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Trumpeter Ship Models 1/700 German Zerstorer Z43 Destroyer 1944 Kit

Trumpeter Ship Models 1/700 German Zerstorer Z43 Destroyer 1944 Kit

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$21.55 $29.95
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Z-43 was commissioned on March 24th, 1944. She was a Type 1936B destroyer. Three ships of this class were commissioned. The other two were never completed. Type 1936A destroyers were intended to carry their forward guns in a twin turret, but as the twin turrets were not ready in time they initially carried single mounted guns. When the turrets were finally fitted they proved too heavy for the existing structures. Strengthening was added at the bows but this did little to improve sea keeping qualities. For these reasons, the main armament of Type 1936B destroyers reduced back to single mounted 127 mm guns. The efficacy of this change was not proven in high seas as this class only operated in the Baltic and coastal waters.
  • Full or waterline hull, detailed deck and superstructure, full weapons suite (shielded 5.9" guns, 37mm gun mounts, 20 mm gun mounts and 533mm torpedo tube quad-launchers), ship's boats, life rafts, paravanes, mine rails, mines, depth charge launchers, nameplate, filigree masts and crane booms
  • Photo-etch parts (display stand, radar mattress, antennae, AA gun shields, funnel grilles and spray shields)
  • Completed length is approximately 7.2". C
  • olor painting guide shows port, starboard and overhead plan views and decals represent the ship's ensign

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